Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Me in damascus

Day 1: arriving, the rock concert “ZODIAC”, the Syrian bloggers, happiness….
Day 2: Carlton hotel, wedding party, sucks ….
Day 3: 3 hours of heaven, with the only one I DO care about….beautiful day…
Day 4: Beit Gabri’s restaurant, oriental night….water pipe…. The old city at night….another beautiful day...
Day 5: aimless with my best friend Ali in the oldest city asking everybody about directions...the Happy Land craziness… doing sth I’ll never do again which is playing the scissor game … god!!! Man is stupid…. Bad day in general
Day 6: back home, alone again, crying silently all the way back, missing everything (even me), wondering, crying some more… bad, awful, bleeding …..ewwwwwwwwwwww


Ihsan said...

They seem like a fun 6 days in General!

Hmmmm, on your way felt all that? What on earth have you left behind in Damascus?

damDooM said...

will u believe it if i said "ME"??

GraY FoX said...

hey hey damdooom ....
we were so glad to have you between us in damascus ... Damascus must had a festival for you.. but unfortunately. .. i was jerk enough to mess things up :(
dont worry we are all lost and cant find ourselves

damDooM said...
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Sold OUT said...

a great skale........
wich happyness in our lives is 50% of it