Friday, December 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Me!

so what?! i wanna greet myself! and in my way...a very dear poem..and picture

يا طفلي الأول ...
معلمي الأول...
رفيقي الأول...
العام التاسع عشر من عمري...
إني احترمك كأمي...
و لسوف احترمك...
إني أسير في الطريق الذي سلكته...
و لسوف أسير...
رأسي يتدحرج بعيداً ...
و يجلس العام التاسع عشر من عمري...
على حافة سريري...
بين راحتيّ، و يقول لي :
لنتذكر معا أيام شبابنا...
لقد مرت يا عامي التاسع عشر...
تسع سنوات من عمري ...
منذ احرقنا أغصان الصنوبر في الغابة ...
و أنشدنا الأغاني بصوت واحد ...
و نظرنا إلى القمر في الليل ...
أنا لا أزال أغني القصائد ذّاتها ...
فلم تحولني الريح...
إلى ورقة في مهب الريح ...
لقد سقت الريح أمامي ...
و أنت!
يا من تستطيع تحطيم ما لا يحطم...
أنت قادر على التحديق في عيني...
و الضغط على يديّ...
و أنت!
يا من...
أنت وحدك ...
يا طفلي الأول...
معلمي الأول...
رفيقي الأول...
العام التاسع عشر من عمري ............
this is from me to me with love, wishing myself a happy birthday…. This poem is one of my fave. Nazim Hikmat of course… it’s strange how close his words to me! I guess it’s close to everyone… I’ll take another few words I’m in love with…
"If I didn’t burn,
And you didn’t…
And we didn’t…
Who is it…That will enlighten this darkness
doesn't sound really optimistic as a new begining right?!
anyway, special thanx to each of: Lujain, Iyas, Ali... you guys are the best! love you, happy to have you in my life for another year... I'm blessed with you guys... and I mean it.
of course thank you my Adam...though you didn't call me...boohoo..tfoo 3aleek.. but I'm even more blessed with you... there's a deep instinct telling me, I'M GONNA ENJOY MY NEW YEAR... god bless you homeland... thank you god for enriching me in different ways the past year, thank you for dropping nice people into my way.... I can't ask for more
sorry if i hurt, bothered, annoyed or acted as a jerk with any of you...hope i've learnd sth from the past year...yallah cheers guys... ...


Yazan said...

happy b-day dima ;)

change destiny said...

Happy birthday honey !! Wish the best of your last year be the worst of your next .

Anonymous said...

Walla ma ba3ref shu baddi 2e7ki :S U know Damdom that our freindship is more than words 2 say or 2 write !!

Happy Birthday .. Not just 4 u .. Happy birthday 4 me and 4 us .. happy birthday 4 all the humanity ;)

Wish u a happy new year in ur life .. God bless ya Sweet Heart .. Oo Inshallah we stay 2gether untill the end of our life (b3da 3omren 6aweel :D)
Love ya ..
Ur Friend And Brother Iyas ..!

damDooM said...

thank you yazan...
thank you ch.d really thanx dear..
iyas el kafoo...thank you 10^10 times..
lol guys...i feel important...happy birthday humanity?!!!!! happy to have such friends like you...all of hope to know you better ..enshallah)
and the dear iyas...:d

Zena said...

Happy Birthday

damDooM said...

thank you dear zena... hope those stupid nothings didn't bother you much... don't give up blogging cuz of them... yallah thanx again

damDooM said...

THANX...for your greetings, and for giving my blog a bit of your precious time, hope it is worth it, about the i said it's one of my fave.

Sharks said...

Happy birthday Damdom!...nice poem by the way!...

damDooM said...

thanx dear Asma... happy to know that the most liked this poem!

Ghalia said...

Belated Happy Birthday from me.

damDooM said...

dear Ghalia... your greeting is welcomed even if after couple of month :D
no relly thanx ...
ok guys gotta tell ya: I feel that i have two families now, you and my physical one, thank you for sorrounding me with ur wishes and greetings...proud of being a member in this family..:)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Dima..May your year be joyful..

GraY FoX said...

;) i wont say more than Happy birthday to you 3abo :D

damDooM said...

thank you anonymous friend...
the greatest iyado...just THANK YOU we had good time...celebrating :D
wallahi i can't forget the way the fireplace was burning! hmmmm....much more to come i promise...thank you again 3abo...snoopy's the best ;)

change destiny said...

Hey !! been a while since your last post where have you been?

Cute NK2 said...

Happy birthday Dima..May your year be joyful..

that was me.. :P

damDooM said...

first sorry for being late answering this,
dear ch.d thank you for your care, i think i'm not ok and that i'll be away for a while :(
lol...i'll miss you guys...hope u'll be there when i come back...
thank you dear nesrein...really thanx, wish you the same..
yallah bye for now....