Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My second round in tag land

thank you iyado for tagging me since ages...but i really didn't have time for this :

Se7en thinks I want\like to do:
Listen to music…all kinds of music, from the greatest classical pieces to the metal of Iron Maiden. From Fayroze to…no to no one…only AND ONLY Fayroze.
Playing my guitar.
I wanna improve my programming skills without getting bored!
Spending good times with Luji and Alloush my best friends and yeh…of course spend all the time if I could with my Adam.
Sit in my glassy room…while it’s raining out there, write something good…and listen to fayroze’s voice when mixed with the rain drops’ noise on the glass… with a glass of mateh…hehe lattakian!

Se7en things I don’t want/like to do:
I don’t wanna walk between ppl feeling that I’m walking between shadows!
Knowing that I’m being moody and as a result hurt someone.
Watch Arabian music channels.
Waste my time…then look back with a boohoo face on the wasted times!
I hate to be misunderstood.
Losing someone I really care about…
Tiding my closet.

Se7en things I say most often (with explanation):
tfooooooo 3aleek; shame on you, I almost say it all the time...
nashooo7; dirty, when someone does sth you don’t: agree with/like/know about…and all the treason acts…well it’s proudly a DAMDOM’s word…
Boohoo; how sad! With a sad face and accent (I say it because I’ve heard it a lot the past 10 months.)
baseeta baseeta; take it easy…I say it even when a disaster is coming!
What so ever!; I don’t give a shit…
hous ha!; shut up or else, I used it a lot when I was at high school to tease the boys :D
Cool; cool!!! I say it when I don’t wanna talk much about whatever.
Se7en people I would like to pass this tag to:
sold out...only because every body else already did it...


damDooM said...

hehe...ahlan w sahlan...i didn't know that you joined us till yesterday so i officially TAG feel comfort to take this tag thingy:D

GraY FoX said...

hey hey damdooom... typically u lol
i laughed so much while i was reading the sever overused phrases ;)
sa7ten 3al matteh anyways...

Anonymous said...

Em aldeem... i miss you badly...kteer kteeer kteer..and i've got chronic nagging stomach again tonight but am a bit better but mo sleep as so glad you're doing good and not (3am tlosree) like the poor me :(.ehh sweetheart..see ya soon
i heart you...u know that...
Luji- Em Allol

damDooM said...

hay ya nashoo7een..
yeh I can't be but typically me!!! Boring..Lunatic..Naggy..Mad me
Em Allol: Lak kafoo laosarah wallah...but it's time that we cut down on loserness...and change the studyless attitude right em shreek?? guys...can anyone tell me why my counter is NOT counting??!!!!!!i mean i was online and anothe american fellow appeared in the visitors box but it didn't count him!!!!!